Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog vacation: OVER

So apparently I've been vacationing so hard that I've forgotten the second anniversary of my blog. WTF, life? I'm sitting at the SEA-TAC airport, on my way back to China, and I don't even know where to begin. I'm not usually in a habit of backblogging, so this might be too much of a struggle.

I've been buying things like they're going out of style. Feeding that hunger for clothes that hasn't been fulfilled in so long. I've been drinking and munching on delicious American/foreign treats.

I just looked up from blogging because I've realized that I have so much to say that essentially, it's TOO much - but that America is giving me a fond farewell in the form of a beautiful rainbow!


On a completely unrelated note, cheese, I miss you.
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