Is this my blog? My goodness. It must be... and I've logged on for the first time in more than a month. Let's not look back. It's been summer. You've been at the beach. I've been working to train 110 teachers to work in rural China!
New things to come:
The Smelly Shoes Rule
100% USA Peas as a product of Thailand? YES, PLEASE.
Reasons why my job is so cool
As a side note, I haven't done laundry in 3 weeks. I fear I may smell.... and I cut my hair. I'm not sure I like it yet but this is what I look like now.
Day of. It doesn't look like this now but... here's a taste. |
I think I came away the winner - for 20 kuai ~ 3 USD, I sat at the salon for over 2 hours and really, let's not lie, the only experience that the man who cut my hair had is with Chinese girl hair! It's so fringe-y! When in China.......