Wednesday, May 23, 2012


If you've been reading my blog, my fascination with nail art, has grown. It started with this. I got my nails done in FQ for 15 kuai and afterwards, I couldn't stop looking at nail art tumblrs. Specifically -

Are cute animals on my nails acceptable at my age? Perhaps not. For 20 kuai, I found a place in Yunxian that would do it for me - the girl seemed confident that she could do it and.... in the end, she did - but it was difficult for her and she had to paint each nail, probably 2 to 3 times each.

I won't be going back there but damn these nails are cute!

As you can see, from this casual side shot of my eating of fried chicken and waffles - these penguin nails just look like a reverse French.

You might be wondering where did I get chicken and waffles in rural China?  I didn't. I went to Beijing last weekend!

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