I was ending each period of mini lessons in Chinese and Latin, two languages that I had experience in introducing. I cited my SAT score as positive for learning Latin, while warning that if they do take Latin in high school, that it IS a dead language and virtually useless, something I learned sadly, after I took four years of Latin and Loved it. JCL PRESIDENT 2004, bitchesssss! This, I didn't tell them, because truthfully, until just now, I forgot that I was Latin Club Prez. I love that these kids loved learning for the sake of learning. While I was teaching them useless information, if one of the kids were talking, I would stop, and the majority of the children in the room would turn on their peer, so that they could continue listening to me talk. Incredible. Talk about power HIGH!
Lunch occurred during this period. One boy gave me his Silk Vanilla Soy Milk. I loved him immediately. I love that soy milk.
Lunch in the classroom afforded me the opportunity to eavesdrop on the conversations of 12 year olds. One girl was talking about how she was reading a collection of articles on Time and Space from Time magazine. How appropriate. Twelve years old is about the right age of people that should read Time. Anyone who confesses to you that they read Time is 1) trying to impress, 2) stupid - try reading the NYer, ass. In fact, once, someone did brag to me about reading time, in the past year.... and I noted that Time Magazine is the publication that I would resort to using to wipe my bottom if ever there was a shortage of toilet paper in the bathroom.
Back to the conversations of twelve year old girls: gifted twelve year old girls talk about learning about themselves, black holes, and debate about how alien terrestrial life is entirely happening, even with no producable evidence. Not true, evidence: Madeliene L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.
This was by all means A PLEASURE.
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