Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Beggar Basics: Mashed Potatoes

Welcome to the cooking series that Phoebe and I have started. Beggar Basics, slow cooking in the Chinese countryside!

We have very limited resources and a limited number of fresh foods. We're American... and let's not lie, we hate washing dishes. I would eat out every day if I could, but my body just can't handle it, must cook. We have a market (which you'll see later!) every 6 days and last week we bought 2 kilos of potatoes and let them sit there for 6 days.

Phoebe and I girded our loins and forced ourselves to a) wash a week of dishes, b) peel the potatoes, c) boil them and wait.

Oh, hai. I will eat you now.

Watching potatoes boil, almost as fun as watching water.

Forty minutes later, we popped the potatoes off the hot plate and let them cool while I started browning the garlic.


Phoebe started the mashing of potatoes plus a little milk for texture.

With 3 pinches of salt, we put the garlic, oil, and the potatoes together. Add some chives for color and garnish..........

Now we're ready to plate!


The potatoes are light and garlicky with small chunks of potatoes inside! We still have a bowl left. If you want to hop over on a bus, you're totally welcome to do so. We love visitors. 

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