Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Diary, a Journal, an Emo-explosion

What this blog will never be. Why not? Why not share my feelings on the internet? Why not expose to the WWW when I am sad, when I am mad, when I am glad?

Because, GOD, I have taken too much pleasure out of reading the diaries of other people. People that I know, marginally. People whose feelings have nothing to do with mine, and yet a sick twisted curiosity possesses me and most other people to read their trash. It's too easy and too much fun.

You're mad? Shitdamnmotherfuckingsoangry you have to post it on the INTERNET? oh NO. If you post it online, will the person in question read it, feel guilty about how they made you feel, then apologize to you? OR will they laugh, acknowledge that it was them to all their friends, and email them to show them how ridiculous you are?

Maybe if you're vague, I won't know who you're talking about. Sadly, that hardly works. It doesn't matter who someone else is talking about, I just like to read about it. That's why facebook is so popular with everyone. Who doesn't like to know everyone's business? Who doesn't like the idea of someone wanting to know about you? That's why I started this blog. I want people to want to know what I'M doing.

Don't get me wrong, if you have a blog that's just about you and what you're doing, I'll read it and I'll probably love it.

I like to know what my friends are up to. Plenty of those are entertaining and awesome. It's the ones that are cryptic and secretive - emo-explosions - that really keep me entertained. It astonishes me as to why people would want to share their nervous breakdowns on the internets. Writing is cathartic. It keeps your mind straight. I get it. (Again, more reasons why I started this bad boy.) But.... if you're really upset, perhaps typetypetypetypetypeeditclickpost is not the best way to handle things.

But I'm no doctor, keep doing what you're doing.

P.S. If you're interested in knowing what blog I'm talking about, you need only ask.

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