Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am a Spinster!

Definition of a spinster according to Merriam-Webster: \ˈspin(t)-stər\ noun
1: a woman whose occupation is to spin (this one does not apply and never will when you hear of the term spinster)
2 an unmarried woman of gentle family b: an unmarried woman and especially one past the common age for marrying
3: a woman who seems unlikely to marry

It's true. Even at my age, apparently I'm a spinster, I'm on the shelf, destined to live alone. All I need are some cats!

According to visa forms to work in Hong Kong, you're either a bachelor/spinster, married, divorced or widowed. What about just being single? I wish the marital statuses on Facebook were so strict. Then, maybe I'd be motivated to get out there. HA! ... and why does being a bachelor sound so awesome?


1 comment:

  1. lol, spinster. plus, you are allergic to cats. how are you going to pull that off?


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