Sunday, September 5, 2010

Donate NOW!

After reading this article on fundraising and the New York Marathon in the NYT, I realized the same platform, Crowd Rise, might be used for raising money for my school in rural China.

This is a modified version of our blurb!

Shaojie School is located on the side of a mountain in SW China, in Yunnan Province. It's a school with a capacity of about 800, that now has more than 1100 students attending. Shaojie is a week day boarding school where students board five days a week and return home on the weekends. The school currently has 5 boys sleeping per every 2 beds. There are no showers so the students don't wash. There is no purified water, so the students drink the river water straight from the tap. The technology here is nonexistent.

Three of us teach here as part of the China Education Initiative. Our names are Christine, Phoebe, and Sophie. Two of us are from the States, Atlanta and Denver, respectively and the third is a Chinese fellow. We want to help in whatever manner possible, but in order to do so, we need any of the help that we can get.

Christine (that's me!) wants to focus on technologies. Nothing too splashy, but computers, printers, copiers, projectors, and routers would all help spread an expanded view of the world to the students that as teachers, we've been sent here to bring. Copy paper, colored pencils, scissors – any technology and resources that we could bring to the school will not only help our classrooms but they will continue to help the school long after we've left.

Phoebe wants access to water and to teach the local community about environmental preservation. We know it's ambitious but we want to bring water purification systems to ensure that our students are drinking clean water; hot showers so that the students can wash in the winter time. We want to hold local seminars so that we can teach the local community that littering is not an environmentally sustainable practice.

Sophie loves books and wants to bring a library to our school. Hardship is no stranger to all the residents of our village. Meals for a month cost less than $20 per student and many families are struggling to feed their children. Our students have professed to us that they want to read and learn but do not have any extra resources than the most basic.

The three of us are investing the next two years of our lives to improve the education inequity that exists in rural Chinese villages, specifically at our school, Shaojie School. We'd love if you would take the time to read our blog at (coming really soon) and help us in any way possible!

Happy Donations!

This LINK! will direct you to our Crowd Rise webpage, but seriously any help is help! Take a look, donate money, contact me...  I'll be in touch.

*The attached picture is a picture of our boys' dormitory. The beds have uneven wooden bottoms, they're narrower than a regular twin and SERIOUSLY, 5 boys sleep on every 2 connected bed surfaces!

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