Saturday, January 16, 2010

Newlyweds, don't start a blog!

Every time I post something online, it's pretty much NOT practical. Nothing I say here has any fundamental importance. Daily life is a factor but it really is usually not the topic - that is, if you discount my daily pictures, which I no longer post everyday, but do still maintain taking everyday... :)


I've come across a lot of blogs of late that are both practical and dry as bones. What makes someone think that they can write a blog? It took me a year to finally sign up, and it was only because American Idol was going to be two hours and I needed something to do. OH, and I was UNEMPLOYED. Now that I have a job, I can't imagine starting a completely new endeavor and thinking that maintaining it was possible. How full is the graveyard of blogs that have begun and left to rot in cyber-dust? This job now is practically killing my blog life, I don't think that I've done a great article in quite some time. But back to the topic at hand. Should you start a blog? When in doubt, no.

A surprising number of newlyweds that are contacts of mine seem to have started blogs. Notice I did not say friends. My friends know that it's not a good idea. Do you remember Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson? Do you think that sharing every moment of your new married life is going to be awesome and retarded as that show? They had the help of MTV editors and Jessica Simpson's DDs.

To all the newlyweds thinking that it's a good idea to start a blog - NEWSFLASH: it's not. Your idea = not creative, not new, and best of all, not something anyone cares about. You love each other? You just got married? I don't care. Wait a few a years, then... start a secret blog behind your husband's back called, The Pre-Divorce Chronicle on Reasons Why I'm not Happy.

I would add that to my favorites in a heartbeat. I want drama, fights, and pictures of broken objects and lipstick stains that you've accumulated and are posting for the divorce lawyer that you're slowly saving your money up for in a separate individual account that you've just created.

But now, where you're unpacking your wedding presents and you think it's so sweet that your husband does the dishes? I don't care. I'm 23. I'm single and I'm not thinking about how amazing my life would be with a husband that washes my dishes. VOM. That's what a fucking dishwasher is for.

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