Saturday, April 11, 2009

Can Passover Coke be found in Georgia? (UPDATE II)

While reading food blogs, I discovered an interesting tidbit that makes me want to get out of my seat and go to the grocery store! Apparently, around this time of the year, otherwise known by those of the Jewish faith as Passover time, Coke creates Coke with yellow bottle caps. Made with real cane sugar instead of high fructose syrup, it's delicious and a return to the original Coke Classic. I look forward to savoring that South American/European taste of sugar in my Coke!

For a better explanation, I've taken a little clip from NPR:
Linda Wertheimer (NPR):"First corn syrup is out for Passover because...?

Ralph Roberts, co-author of Classic Cooking with Coca-Cola: "Because corn, and by extension corn syrup, is not acceptable during Passover. During the rest of the year regular Coca-Cola is kosher."

Linda: "So, can you really taste the difference between the two Cokes?"

Ralph: "Yes, I can. I have great memories from when I was a kid growing up in the 1950's of drinking ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot summer's day and and I remember that taste and the new Coca-Cola, the "Classic" Coca-Cola does taste different since they changed the formula.

I'm looking for the yellow caps and will report back posthaste!

The outlook isn't so great though. Although ATL is the home of Coke, the amount of people celebrating Passover in my part of Georgia is pretty limited. I only knew two Jewish guys growing up, one named Kyle who was obese with a mom that came in every Hanukkah to give us coins and dreidels... and Chase, who was hot, who I didn't even believe was Jewish just because he lived in a super WASP-y neighborhood.... sorry about the non sequitur....... we'll see! I'm still excited!

4/12: I looked. Nothing. :( Will look again soon.

4/13: No to Stone Mountain Target. Tip stated that Toco Hills Kroger had Passover Coke, but has just been sold out. Toco Hills has quite a large concentration of those who practice the Jewish faith living in the surrounding areas.

Mission tomorrow: Toco Hills Publix.

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